Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fury of the Wastewalker Journal - Session Nine (2-4)

Sure enough, the metal gadgets that Phye identified as pieces of a puzzle join together to form a key that opens the iron gate. After putting the key into the slot, Yuka and Barcan are able to raise the gate high enough for the other party members to slip underneath. After everyone else is through, Yuka and Barcan jump underneath the gate into the passageway on the far side. The gate slams shut just after the adventurers pass underneath, yet again sealing off an escape route.

As the party proceeds down the passage, they see light coming from up ahead, and they hear what sounds like bickering in a language none of them have ever heard. Moving slowly and carefully, the party approaches the voices. The passage opens up into a dimly lit room. As the adventurers enter the room, they see several hejkins. Hejkins are small, furry, humanoid creatures with sharp claws. The evil hejkins spot the adventurers, and combat breaks out.

The party fights bravely against the nasty little hejkins. The beasts make a variety of attacks including clawing and electric shocking attacks. The first couple hejkins are killed quickly, but the remaining hejkins have very powerful bursting/shocking attacks that knock the party members down. Even worse, the hejkins are able to burrow through the floor and move about the battle area undetected. Things get desperate as Phye does what she can to keep the warriors from going down. The wicked attacks are too much for Barcan and Jarvix, though. A blasting attack sends them both unconscious and dying. Fortunately for Barcan, Phye is able to quickly heal him just in time for the enraged Barcan to make a mighty arcane attack on the remaining hejkin. Finally the last hejkin decides to flee by burrowing into the floor, giving the party a moment to recover and heal Jarvix.

The adventurers search the room and find treasure, some healing fruit, and several food rations. As they look around the room, they realize they are exhausted and badly in need of a long rest. But that won’t be happening. Each member of the party is suddenly drawn to the sarcophagus at the far side of the room. Unable to resist the overpowering urge, they are forced to walk toward the tomb. As they approach, the room begins to get blurry…

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