Friday, September 3, 2010

Fury of the Wastewalker Journal - Session Thirteen (3-3)

The party continues journeying through the jungle toward Tyr. Tyr is, after all, the intended destination of the ill-fated caravan. In the distance the weary travelers see the geography returning to desert.

Just before reaching the desert, the adventurers approach a chasm blocking their path. On the far side of the chasm is a cliff with several people crawling up the side. Suddenly, there is a flash of light and the cliff face collapses! The adventurers watch in horror as the victims fall to their death in the deep chasm. The collapse, however, causes a slab of rock to fall, forming a bridge across the chasm. The newly-formed bridge allows the heroes to cross to the far side.

On the far side of the bridge are some ancient ruins. The heroes spot several giths in the ruins. Giths are blue-skinned goblin-like creatures with psionic powers. The creatures are angrily shaking spears and yelling in a gibberish language the heroes cannot understand. The giths look ready to attack, and Yuka jumps into action first. Yuka runs across the bridge and engages the first gith, hoping to set an example of the party’s strength and resolve. While running across the bridge, though, there is another flash of light. The stones on the bridge are called “bolt stones” and they hold the power of a lightning strike. When touched, there is a chance the electricity is released. The bolt stones explain the earlier explosion causing the other adventurers to fall to their deaths.

As combat breaks out, the party members develop a lethal strategy for dealing with the giths. Castri and Shikirr rush forward across the newly formed bridge to engage the enemy with Yuka. Barcan and Jarvix stay back on the far side of the chasm, unleashing powerful ranged attacks on the foes. Phye, knowing that the giths will surely be a tough battle, tries to stay in between the party members, dispatching healing as necessary. Although the giths are powerful, they are no match for the tactics of the group. One by one, the giths begin to fall. In a brilliant moment, Jarvix uses his mental powers to force one of the giths to move and attack another gith. This sets up four giths in a small area. Barcan realizes his comrade has moved the enemy to give him the chance to blast several giths at once. Barcan takes the queue and unleashes a powerful blazing star arcane attack on the giths. The attack hits all four beasts! Three are weak and are killed instantly by the searing stars. The fourth takes damage but remains fighting. After this wickedly effective attack, the rest of the party is able to dominate the battle. The last gith standing manages to touch a bolt stone and gets fried to a crisp by the electricity.

The party members examine the ruins and search the bodies of the adventurers that fell down the chasm. Several valuable jewels are found and pocketed. But Barcan forgets about the jewels as he stares in wonder at a magical staff he discovers next to one of the dead climbers. The powerful staff grants bonuses to arcane attacks and allows the holder to speak supernal, the language of the gods. Everyone in the party now has a magical weapon. Invigorated, the brave adventurers set off again for Tyr, knowing they will be safe soon. Or does the Wastewalker have other plans?

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