Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fury of the Wastewalker Journal - Session Seven (2-2)

Phye suits up her new armor and the party takes a few moments to rest and heal. Although the battle was fierce, the group cannot take a longer break. Just being in the treacherous cave causes the adventurers to hear shrieks and see horrific visions echoing in their minds. Phye still suffers from the lingering sickness caused by the sun exposure and lack of food and water.

The cavern extends deeper into the mountain, and the cautious heroes proceed into the darkness. Since the cave entrance has collapsed, there is no option other than to keep moving. The adventurers travel through the twisting and turning cave, knowing that danger could lurk around every corner.

At one point the party enters a larger cavern and in the dim light spots three skeletons on the far side. The adventurers ready their weapons, and combat breaks out. Yuka and Phye are the first to jump into the fray. Suddenly, several gauntlets scattered about the floor become animated, and rush to attack the party members. Fortunately, the skeletons and gauntlets seem to be easily destroyed while doing only limited damage to the warriors. Just when it looks like the party is going to emerge victorious; a ray of energy from above shoots down on Yuka. A giant crystalline spider is the source of the beam, and it drops down from above. At this point, Yuka and Phye are heavily damaged, and they utilize whatever healing resources are available to them. The party concentrates on attacking the spider. Although it starts climbing the wall for a better defensive position, the party members hit the spider several times with melee and ranged attacks.

On the floor of the cavern are some purple crystals. The party figures out that if they concentrate on the crystals while standing adjacent to them, their attacks become more powerful. Understanding this, Jarvix heads across the cavern to be next to a crystal. Halfway to the crystal, Jarvix falls into a crystalline web stretched out over a hole in the floor. The web is strong enough to hold Jarvix up, but he is cut up by the sharp crystal edges.

Meanwhile the party continues to deal a lot of damage to the giant spider. The final blow comes from Barcan. A stream of fire launches from Barcan’s staff, burning the spider to a crisp.

The party searches the room and finds a set of magical crystal scale mail. Yuka claims the armor and proceeds to put it on. The cavern has no exits other than the hole covered by the crystal web. The members look for a way to break through the web to proceed even further into the darkness.

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