Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fury of the Wastewalker Journal - Session Fifteen (3-5)

The approaching shardstorm once again pushes the adventurers across the desert. This time, though, the storm leads the party to the Wastewalker himself. In a dry patch of desert just a short distance from Tyr, the final showdown begins with the Wastewalker yelling “ALL DEFILERS WILL DIE. COME AND MEET YOUR END!”

The Wastewalker is a larger ssuran with small pieces of obsidian shards embedded in his black scales. There are obsidian shards swirling around him, too, dealing damage to any foe. Accompanying the Wastewalker are four ssurans – two with clubs and two with spears. There are also two storm shards. Storm shards are masses of swirling chunks of obsidian.

The battle gets off to a difficult start for the adventurers. The storm shards unleash a series of lethal attacks against the weary heroes. Yuka is able to occupy two of the ssurans, but he takes a decent amount of damage in the process, eventually knocking him unconscious. Jarvix also gets knocked unconscious from multiple attacks. But gradually the heroes focus their fire on the Wastewalker, and he is injured badly.

Barcan remembers that the earth and water spirits told the group that the Wastewalker could be converted. So in between attacks, Barcan screams to the Wastewalker, pleading with him that not all arcanists are defilers. At one point Barcan yells “See the green plants below me? I do not destroy the life from the land!” But the embattled ssuran doesn’t heed Barcan’s message.

Knowing that their lives hang in the balance, Phye is able to heal several of the adventurers. Castri and Shikirr fight valiantly as well. Eventually, a mighty blast from Barcan’s staff drops the Wastewalker to the ground, unconscious. After killing the rest of his companions, the adventurers tie the Wastewalker up and splash water on his face to wake him.

Barcan explains to the captive that not all arcane spell-casters are defilers. An organization known as the Veiled Alliance is dedicated to protecting the world from the ravages of defiling magic. The Wastewalker hesitantly agrees there may be the possibility that not all arcane spell-casters defile the land. The party then tells the Wastewalker he can either be set free if he promises not to attack, or he can be killed. The Wastewalker, surprised to hear his life will be spared, agrees to a peaceful release.

The adventurers then continue on toward Tyr, their will nearly exhausted from the battle. As they travel the final distance, the kes’trekel again flies overhead. But this time the bird gently lands on Barcan’s arm. Perhaps a new alliance has been formed? Time will tell.

Approaching the city gates, a guard commands the beleaguered party to stop. The guard demands a payment to enter Tyr. The exhausted party, knowing they deserve a hero’s welcome, cannot believe the guard is ordering them to part with coin after all they have been through. Yuka steps forward, his hand resting on his weapon…

The End.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fury of the Wastewalker Journal - Session Fourteen (3-4)

As the party continues its journey through the mountainous jungle, the group is able to look down across the approaching desert and spot Tyr in the distance. Descending from the mountains, the terrain returns to the familiar dry desert. The adventurers continue carefully across the hot, dry sand, knowing their destination is close. A chilling screech from above cuts the silence, and the party members look up and see the familiar kes’trekel circling in the sky. The Wastewalker must be near.

Just after passing around a patch of mysterious and dangerous looking silt-like sand, the party is suddenly attacked by four draconians. Draconians are dangerous lizard-like creatures with partially developed wings. The area has been blasted by the power of the sun, as if some arcane defiling has taken place. The draconians appear to by warped by the intensity of the searing sun. Two of the reptiles are armed with longswords, and the others wield two shortswords each. Combat quickly breaks out as the adventurers fight for their lives. Just as the action begins, a deadly dust devil whips around the battlefield, knocking several warriors prone.

The party fights bravely against the draconians, and although several member are injured badly, the reptiles are ganged up on and killed off one by one. There are two types of draconians. One type instantly turns to stone when killed, sealing the attacker's weapon in the creature. The other type explodes when killed, dealing blast damage to all those nearby.

Castri is twice pushed by the enemy into the mysterious sand patch. The patch functions similar to a trap, injuring the victim. However, Castri is wearing his magic silt-runner boots stolen from the halflings, so he is able to avoid taking damage in the silt.

As the battle rages on, Phye is injured and is running low on healing abilities. Knowing that one of the exploding monsters is about to die, Barcan moves away from the impending blast zone. Just before the beast is killed, though, Phye magically dimension swaps with Barcan. This places Phye in safety but puts Barcan right next to the blast. Barcan curses under his breath and makes a mental note to talk to his sister about the importance of courage and valor. Fortunately, Barcan dodges out of the way when the inevitable blast shoots outward. Shortly after, Shikirr strikes another beast and kills it, but his weapon is temporarily stuck in the stone corpse.

After all the draconians are killed, the party focuses on dispatching the dust devil. It proves difficult to kill, but eventually is brought down by a blast aided by Barcan’s magic staff. Barcan, seeing that his sister is barely alive, realizes her dimension swap was for the survival of the party.

The party uses whatever healing resources remain and prepares to set off again toward Tyr. But as they spot an orange shard-storm cloud moving toward them, they know they have one last battle before reaching safety. Jarvix stands up proudly and proclaims, “We started this battle as free man and slave. But we finish it now as friends. Come forth! Let us show our enemy we will run from him no longer!” Yuka says nothing, but slowly nods in agreement as he draws his weapon.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Fury of the Wastewalker Journal - Session Thirteen (3-3)

The party continues journeying through the jungle toward Tyr. Tyr is, after all, the intended destination of the ill-fated caravan. In the distance the weary travelers see the geography returning to desert.

Just before reaching the desert, the adventurers approach a chasm blocking their path. On the far side of the chasm is a cliff with several people crawling up the side. Suddenly, there is a flash of light and the cliff face collapses! The adventurers watch in horror as the victims fall to their death in the deep chasm. The collapse, however, causes a slab of rock to fall, forming a bridge across the chasm. The newly-formed bridge allows the heroes to cross to the far side.

On the far side of the bridge are some ancient ruins. The heroes spot several giths in the ruins. Giths are blue-skinned goblin-like creatures with psionic powers. The creatures are angrily shaking spears and yelling in a gibberish language the heroes cannot understand. The giths look ready to attack, and Yuka jumps into action first. Yuka runs across the bridge and engages the first gith, hoping to set an example of the party’s strength and resolve. While running across the bridge, though, there is another flash of light. The stones on the bridge are called “bolt stones” and they hold the power of a lightning strike. When touched, there is a chance the electricity is released. The bolt stones explain the earlier explosion causing the other adventurers to fall to their deaths.

As combat breaks out, the party members develop a lethal strategy for dealing with the giths. Castri and Shikirr rush forward across the newly formed bridge to engage the enemy with Yuka. Barcan and Jarvix stay back on the far side of the chasm, unleashing powerful ranged attacks on the foes. Phye, knowing that the giths will surely be a tough battle, tries to stay in between the party members, dispatching healing as necessary. Although the giths are powerful, they are no match for the tactics of the group. One by one, the giths begin to fall. In a brilliant moment, Jarvix uses his mental powers to force one of the giths to move and attack another gith. This sets up four giths in a small area. Barcan realizes his comrade has moved the enemy to give him the chance to blast several giths at once. Barcan takes the queue and unleashes a powerful blazing star arcane attack on the giths. The attack hits all four beasts! Three are weak and are killed instantly by the searing stars. The fourth takes damage but remains fighting. After this wickedly effective attack, the rest of the party is able to dominate the battle. The last gith standing manages to touch a bolt stone and gets fried to a crisp by the electricity.

The party members examine the ruins and search the bodies of the adventurers that fell down the chasm. Several valuable jewels are found and pocketed. But Barcan forgets about the jewels as he stares in wonder at a magical staff he discovers next to one of the dead climbers. The powerful staff grants bonuses to arcane attacks and allows the holder to speak supernal, the language of the gods. Everyone in the party now has a magical weapon. Invigorated, the brave adventurers set off again for Tyr, knowing they will be safe soon. Or does the Wastewalker have other plans?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Fury of the Wastewalker Journal - Session Twelve (3-2)

After running from the Halflings through the night, the adventurers find themselves in a clearing in the jungle. A strange ripple appears in the middle of the open area. Barcan, Phye, and Jarvix recognize it as a portal to the Feywild – an alternate plane. Just before getting a chance to examine the portal further, the party is surrounded by several lizard-like beasts called zairtails. The zairtails immediately attack the party. The small zairtails band together in swarms and the larger creatures have deadly biting or gazing attacks.

The beasts manage to weaken the party quickly. Although he battles bravely, Yuka is knocked unconscious by a particularly nasty attack. Barcan rushes to his downed friend and squeezes a magical healing fruit into Yuka’s bloody mouth. Energized by the fruit, Yuka jumps back into battle and kills one of the zairtails.

Suddenly a panther jumps into the clearing and attacks Jarvix. Fortunately Jarvix is able to dodge the first couple swipes from the beast’s sharp claws. Frustrated and feeling vulnerable, the panther flees into the jungle.

Even Phye is knocked unconscious during the brutal combat. Just as she goes down, however, the last zairtail is killed.

The party takes a moment to tend to the many wounds and searches the clearing. They find three blades in a nearby tree. Yuka claims the blades and begins fashioning them into a deadly weapon. Although safe for the moment, Castri realizes his endurance is exhausted. As the sun climbs higher into the sky, the party pauses to discuss what to do next.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fury of the Wastewalker Journal - Session Eleven (3-1)

The Halflings seize all the weapons, armor, and supplies from the adventurers. Then the captors tie up the party members and march them through a hot, humid forest toward the Halfling camp. Fortunately, the captives are given water to drink and are allowed to eat some of their food, so the party is able to journey safely. Upon reaching the camp, the party members are locked in wooden cages in an old building. Again, food and water are shared, so the party recovers from the many injuries of the previous battle.

The Halfling Chief Olab then summons the adventurers. Olab seeks amusement, so he questions the adventurers about their past trials. Phye and Barcan relate their story, nervously watching a large pot of boiling water setting on a fire. As the adventurers recount their story, Olab comments about how delicious they will taste for dinner.

Nervous about becoming supper for the hungry Halflings, Phye and Barcan decide to end the story trying to amuse Olab and convince him to let them go free. Phye and Barcan attempt to twist facts and explain…

“And then, Mighty Olab, your scouts, whom you so wisely sent out, found us and came to our rescue. They escorted us safely to your camp. We are so thankful for your hospitality, O Great One. But now, it is time for us to be on our way. We do not wish to wear out our welcome. Show us to our weapons and gear, so that we may no longer be a disruption at your camp. Know that we will forever be thankful for the kindness you have shown us.”

Olab, knowing that he could throw the adventurers in the cooking pot at any time, appears to be pleased. He tells the adventurers, “You make me laugh. I shall let you live. Take them out back and set them free. But their weapons and supplies stay with the camp.”

When the adventurers are set free, they discuss their next course of action. Knowing that they cannot survive without weapons and supplies, they decide to return to the cages where they were held, thinking their possessions are somewhere in the structure. Castri enters the ancient building first, attempting to sneak around and locate the gear. Phye follows him, but steps on a twig and alerts the guards of her presence. One guard run towards a bell mounted on the wall and rings it loudly. The party knows that the remainder of the camp has been alerted, so they rush into the structure attempting to grab the gear and go.

Three Halfling guards are blocking the entrance to the room with the gear, so the party attacks the guards. Without weapons or armor, the warriors are not as effective. But Barcan and Phye still have powerful attacks in their arsenal even without weapons. Yuka, even unarmed, is able to smash through the guards to provide access to the room with the gear. Yuka even grabs one of the Halflings and heroically drags him across the floor of the cell! One by one, the party members take turns engaging the guards and running to grab their gear. After a couple guards are killed, the party decides to make a dash for the exit, knowing that reinforcements are on the way. They leave one or two of the surviving guards and hurriedly exit. On the way out, they grab a pair of exotic looking boots.

After running away from the camp for a distance, the party feels safe they have evaded the Halflings. The boots, which Castri claims, are magical and allow him to walk on sand silt or water for a brief time. Mostly healed and reunited with their armor, weapons, and gear, the adventurers pause to consider their next course of action.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fury of the Wastewalker Journal - Session Ten (2-5)

A figure surrounded by fog appears next to the sarcophagus. It is an elemental demon – a dreaded creature called a “mourning haunt.” The demon speaks to the party, “You should not have come here. Come forth minions, and destroy them!” When the demon speaks, the adventurers can’t help but notice a certain similarity between the mourning haunt and the flame spirit they encountered in the desert.

Two wisp wraiths and three tomb motes follow the instructions of the demon and proceed to attack the party. It is the mourning haunt, though, that poses the most danger to the group. It has a tremendous stamina and a vicious attack. Ghostly mouths fly out from the demon and envelope the warriors. Even though the adventurers unleash their most powerful attacks on the demon, it remains standing and continues to attack the party. After taking many punishing blows, the demon becomes surrounded by a red fog. The fog bursts out dealing damage to the adventurers surrounding it.

Eventually the brave party is able to weaken the demon to the brink of death. Castri makes a final blow, killing the demon with a lethal strike. After the mourning haunt is destroyed, the party proceeds to kill the minion wraiths and motes. As soon as the last minion is killed, the atmosphere in the tomb lightens.

Suddenly a glowing form appears and materializes into two beings. The first being is a beautiful woman with blue hair. Next to her appears a man seemingly made of stone. The astute party members recognize that the woman represents the water element and the man represents the earth element. The two beings begin a conversation – first talking to each other, and then addressing the party. “Not all arcansists are defilers” says one. The other responds, “take these gifts and spread that message.” Finally, the beings reveal “the one who hunts you can be reformed.” Each adventurer is handed a textured belt-like sash. After the gifts are distributed, the elements vanish.

The only way out of the tomb is through a large crack in the floor. The adventurers crawl into the opening and travel some distance underground. Eventually the passage opens up into a valley. The adventurers are relieved to once again see the sky, having escaped from the deadly cave. But just after pulling themselves to the surface, the party members observe they are surrounded by wild-looking Halflings. Each Halfling is pointing a spear at the group. One of the Halflings speaks up and orders the party “Surrender now! You are our prisoners.” Barcan drops his staff in disbelief. Will they ever find safety in this cruel desert?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fury of the Wastewalker Journal - Session Nine (2-4)

Sure enough, the metal gadgets that Phye identified as pieces of a puzzle join together to form a key that opens the iron gate. After putting the key into the slot, Yuka and Barcan are able to raise the gate high enough for the other party members to slip underneath. After everyone else is through, Yuka and Barcan jump underneath the gate into the passageway on the far side. The gate slams shut just after the adventurers pass underneath, yet again sealing off an escape route.

As the party proceeds down the passage, they see light coming from up ahead, and they hear what sounds like bickering in a language none of them have ever heard. Moving slowly and carefully, the party approaches the voices. The passage opens up into a dimly lit room. As the adventurers enter the room, they see several hejkins. Hejkins are small, furry, humanoid creatures with sharp claws. The evil hejkins spot the adventurers, and combat breaks out.

The party fights bravely against the nasty little hejkins. The beasts make a variety of attacks including clawing and electric shocking attacks. The first couple hejkins are killed quickly, but the remaining hejkins have very powerful bursting/shocking attacks that knock the party members down. Even worse, the hejkins are able to burrow through the floor and move about the battle area undetected. Things get desperate as Phye does what she can to keep the warriors from going down. The wicked attacks are too much for Barcan and Jarvix, though. A blasting attack sends them both unconscious and dying. Fortunately for Barcan, Phye is able to quickly heal him just in time for the enraged Barcan to make a mighty arcane attack on the remaining hejkin. Finally the last hejkin decides to flee by burrowing into the floor, giving the party a moment to recover and heal Jarvix.

The adventurers search the room and find treasure, some healing fruit, and several food rations. As they look around the room, they realize they are exhausted and badly in need of a long rest. But that won’t be happening. Each member of the party is suddenly drawn to the sarcophagus at the far side of the room. Unable to resist the overpowering urge, they are forced to walk toward the tomb. As they approach, the room begins to get blurry…